Peculiarities of Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology business
How are Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology Business Strategies (and therefore sales and marketing activities) different from other types of business strategies, like retail, real estate, food & dinks or automotive?
After many years of experience we identified some peculiar differences between the Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology business and “other” businesses…
The Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology Business Industry has some elements in common with other industries. We have a target market that can coincide with the luxury market, and the markets for high-end products and services. Aviation attracts people who love science, machinery and flight. People involved with aviation, aerospace, defense and advanced technology have spent months or years in specialized training.
All that training imparted a specific vocabulary and a culture of checklist-driven procedures. The terms and habits have become ingrained in the industry professionals. They apply these checklists when they’re flying, maintaining aircraft or developing specialized technicians. They also apply checklists to other business processes, like making purchasing decisions.
The specialized vocabulary is important for negotiations and sales as well for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC campaigns (Pay-Per-Click), advertisement and other sales/marketing activities.
It is important to know what words and phrases customers are likely to use when they’re looking for a solution to a particular problem.
With many years of experience in the field, Wellwater team is highly specialized and focused in Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology
The Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology industry is “par excellence” a global and international industry.
International businesses operate in more than one Country. Massive adjustments are normally made in the marketing strategies through various Countries. Legal and cultural differences alone can greatly affect a strategy’s outcome.
This is the environment in which the business strategies of an Aviation, Aerospace and Defense Company must fit. Of course, the activities for national business are not excluded but they shall be integrated in the activities for the international business.
Wellwater team has great experience in the international markets with people that lived abroad for many years in the most rapid-developing Countries
The Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology industry is “par excellence” a global and international industry.
International businesses operate in more than one Country. Massive adjustments are normally made in the marketing strategies through various Countries. Legal and cultural differences alone can greatly affect a strategy’s outcome.
This is the environment in which the business strategies of an Aviation, Aerospace and Defense Company must fit. Of course, the activities for national business are not excluded but they shall be integrated in the activities for the international business.
Wellwater team has great experience in the international markets with people that lived abroad for many years in the most rapid-developing Countries
Rapid changes in the industry are creating pressure for companies to revisit their day-to-day operations and innovate to reposition themselves for the future.
For example, the defense industry has seen steady demand and even some new opportunities. For companies that operate in both segments (defense and aerospace), the challenge is to grow their defense business, maintain operations, and strengthen their financial position to offset the declines in the commercial business.
Wellwater helps aerospace and defense companies adapt to these ever-evolving times.
Many factors can affect Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology transactions more than in other industries.
For example, Aviation transactions are more complex than in most other industries; Aviation decision makers have a huge book of regulations to consider for nearly any decision.
In Europe these regulations are set by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and to be adopted and implemented by each National Aviation Authority that operate in the EASA area (ENAC in Italy, DGAC in France, CAA in the UK, FOCA in Switzerland etc.). In addition to its core tasks in Europe, EASA works internationally to promote aviation safety. EASA provides technical assistance to countries and regions around the world, aiming to improve the regulatory and oversight capabilities of the national and regional aviation authorities.
Other factors that can complicate transactions are the size and number of people and entities involved with each transaction.
Wellwater team worked with international companies and has a specific eye on transactions and negotiations lead by experience.
Many factors can affect Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology transactions more than in other industries.
For example, Aviation transactions are more complex than in most other industries; Aviation decision makers have a huge book of regulations to consider for nearly any decision.
In Europe these regulations are set by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and to be adopted and implemented by each National Aviation Authority that operate in the EASA area (ENAC in Italy, DGAC in France, CAA in the UK, FOCA in Switzerland etc.). In addition to its core tasks in Europe, EASA works internationally to promote aviation safety. EASA provides technical assistance to countries and regions around the world, aiming to improve the regulatory and oversight capabilities of the national and regional aviation authorities.
Other factors that can complicate transactions are the size and number of people and entities involved with each transaction.
Wellwater team worked with international companies and has a specific eye on transactions and negotiations lead by experience.
It has been calculated an average of about 6/8 months from the moment of the enquiry to the Purchase Order in the Aviation, Aerospace, Defense and Advanced Technology Industry.
It can take longer for aircraft brokers, airport building contractors and large equipment dealers. However, it could be shorter for smaller and simpler products and services.
Wellwater understands that business owners can be overwhelmed and often wear many hats and need additional resources when it comes to creating and executing a strategic plan… and that is where Wellwater can support organizations.
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